Naturalization project
1.Purchasing properties from 500,000 Euros
a. Open a bank account in Spain
b. Minimum deposit of 40,000 Euros in the account
c. NIE number and other materials.
d. Proof of innocence
e. Health certificate
f. Asset certification and other materials.
2. Application conditions:
Main applicant
Legal citizens over 18 years of age
Holding a home of more than 500,000 Euros in Spain
No criminal record, health check certificate, purchase of health insurance
A minimum of 40,000 Euros in a Spanish bank account
Provide other income of not less than 40,000 Euros.
Domestic bank balances from RMB 800,000
Subsidiary applicant
Spouse, children under 18
No criminal records
Buy health insurance
Medical checkup at designated embassy hospital