Staying in Hong Kong for Training
Staying in Hong Kong for Training
This webpage sets out the entry arrangements for persons who wish to enter the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) for training.
This entry arrangement does not apply to:
1. nationals from Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Nepal and Vietnam; and
2. Chinese residents of the Mainland (other than Mainland employees and business associates of well-established and multinational companies based in Hong Kong).
Eligibility Criteria
An application for a visa/entry permit to enter the HKSAR for a limited period (not more than 12 months) of training to acquire special skills and knowledge not available in the applicant's country/territory of domicile may be favourably considered if:
a. there is no security objection and no known record of serious crime in respect of the applicant;
b. the bona fides of the applicant and the sponsoring company are satisfied;
c. the sponsoring company is a well-established company, capable of providing the proposed training;
d. there is a contract signed between the sponsoring company and the applicant;
e. the sponsoring company guarantees in writing the maintenance and repatriation of the applicant and that the applicant will receive training in the sponsor's premises until the end of the agreed period, after which the applicant will return to his/her place of residence; and
f. the proposed duration and content of the training programme can be justified.
In general, unless a person has the right of abode or right to land in the HKSAR, he/she requires a visa/entry permit to undergo training in the HKSAR. While each application is determined on its individual merits, an applicant should meet normal immigration requirements (such as holding a valid travel document with adequate returnability to his/her country of residence or citizenship; be of clear criminal record and raise no security or criminal concerns to the HKSAR; have no likelihood of becoming a burden on Hong Kong etc.) as well as the relevant specific eligibility criteria detailed above before he/she may be considered for the grant of a visa/entry permit. It should be noted that the eligibility criteria may be subject to change from time to time.
Applicants admitted for training may bring in their spouse and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18 to the HKSAR under the prevailing dependant policy.
POL - 23a11Staying in Hong Kong for Training26-5-2022.pdf
ID(E)993_Guidebook for entry for training in Hong Kong.pdf
ID992B_Application form(by the sponsor).pdf
ID992A_Application form(by the applicant).pdf
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- Staying in Hong Kong for Training
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